The video has gone viral in YouTube and has got about 2 million views. Here are some of the interesting comments from YouTube Users on that video—
“You can see that the dog doesn’t want to go against his owner. It’s almost like he’s pleading with her.. “Please don’t because if you do I’ll have to hurt you and I don’t want to do that, but I will if you hit that kid!” The kid screaming makes me think this has happened before in real life.”
“The universe will send us teachers from the most unexpected cases in order to prove that compassion and kinship indeed crosses the lines between nations, genders, social strata and biological genus. This is a reflection on the unbounded extent of dogs’ extraordinary instinct to protect the daughter without actually harming the older lady.”
“Amazing… A dog protects children, but a bunch of HUMANS in public if they saw that would assume it’s none of their business. Sometimes I wonder who the smartest species are.”
What do you think of this video and the woman’s actions? Leave a comment below!
And SHARE this video with your family and friends and show them how brave our dog buddies are!
Source of the video — Youtube
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