Dog Videos

Boxer Dog Trying To Retrieve His Toy From Under The Table… SO CUTE!

D16 See How A Dog Rescues A Toy Intelligently

Dogs are intelligent and they don’t give up easily when they are told to do something. They try their level best and become successful in doing the assigned task whether it’s tough or easy. But this Boxer dog was faced with a rather simple task… his squeaky toy was stuck under the dinner table, and he was trying his best to retrieve it… his owner captured the whole thing. Watch the following cute video and see how the dog rescued the toy from under the table…

He will defeat the table wrapped up with chairs around it. He will be accomplished in the mission by fetching the toy from the tough-tangled situation by using his intellects and power of his legs! That is why he’s banging on the chairs to move it to pass through to get to the toy was really funny to see. Finally he did it, with some help of his master of course! And in the meantime provided us with a good laugh!

How does your dog play? And what do you think of this cute video? Leave your comments below. Let us know what you think!

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Video courtesy: YouTube channel of The Inventor

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