Dogs can be very caring and friendly towards children. This video will show you just how sweet they can be. Hernan the little boy with Down’s Syndrome was approached by Himalaya – the Labrador dog. She was trying so hard to befriend the child. Hernan is cautious but curious at the same time. Hernan’s Mom Ana was recording the wonderful interaction between them when something amazing happened! Watch it in the video below…
I think my heart skipped a beat when I saw the sweet dog put her paws on the little boys shoulder; it was so wonderful to look at! It seemed as if she wanted to tell Hernan – I love you, everything will be ok. We, humans, judge others; but dogs never judge… They always try to be friends with us and love us unconditionally, despite our looks, social class, disabilities or any other shortcomings. Dogs truly are a man’s best friend.
Ana, the boys mother told us about the video, “Hernan, is a bit withdrawn and flees from physical contact. He does not like to be touched, but Himalaya insisted so patiently, and she was so soft that’s why it is so moving, she is left to do anything. I do not think that Dios commit errors, (God doesn’t make mistakes) everything happens for a reason.”
What do you think? Let us know in the comments please!
And don’t forget to SHARE this wonderful video with all your friends and family in Facebook!
Video Source: YouTube
9 replies on “Boy With Special Needs Meets A Dog For The First Time… What Happened Next Is Amazing!”
Heidi Cody