Dog Stories Dogs

Loyal Dog Waits Outside Hospital, Wait Until You Find Out Why

For all dog lovers, you are going to need a tissue before you read this article. This is a touching and emotional story.

Dogs are perhaps the most loyal creatures on the planet. We made them that way. No matter our circumstances, the dog will stay with you.

One dog in Brazil is especially loyal. His photos went viral. He is pictured outside the Santa Casa de Novo Horizonte hospital in Sao Paolo. He appears to be very sad.

This dog had been sitting outside the hospital, all alone, for four months. He arrived there after chasing an ambulance that brought his owner to the hospital last October.

This dog has been waiting for his owner to appear. What the dog didn’t know is that his owner had died.

The dog’s owner was homeless and had been stabbed in a fight. An ambulance picked him up, and his dog followed the whole way.

Once at the hospital, the dog patiently waited outside the doors. Inside, the owner never recovered from his wounds.

The financial director first noticed the dog, and said he well behaved and calm, and never tried to get in to the hospital.

The staff gave the dog food and water, as well as blankets. Then a woman named Cristine Sardella saw the dog, heard the story, and posted pictures of him on Facebook.

After the photos were taken, the dog was taken to a local kennel. It wasn’t long before he escaped and returned to the hospital.

“He fled across the city,” Sardella said. “He walked over 3 kilometers and returned to the hospital.”

According to The Dodo, “the hospital’s director, Osvaldo Sobrinho, said that a staffer has already decided to adopt him when the time is right. In the meantime, they are arranging for the dog to be seen by a veterinarian and vaccinated as they continue to earn his trust.”

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