Police in Denver say a neighbor tweeted this photo of a dog seen curled up near a sliding glass door in sub-freezing temperatures. The neighbor also tweeted the photo to 7NEWS who responded and aired a story on their website. The Neighbor, Tonnee Lawrence tweeted the following: “What can we do? Called 311 & animal control, owners arent home 5°F #cowx #viral #help,”
Concerned people immediately started retweeting the photo. Lawrence gave 7 NEWS the dog’s address, which we passed on to Denver Police. At 8:44 a.m., Denver Police said animal control was aware of the situation and that the dog had shelter available.
How do YOU feel about leaving your dog outside? Was it ok for this neighbor to get involved? Comment below and let us know.
Thanks to 7NEWS for reporting this. To watch the complete story with video go here.
Source: 7News