Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs

Two Dogs Befriended A Tiger! I Was Shocked To See How They Play!


Dogs are brave creatures, aren’t they! They’ve been domesticated thousands of yours ago, and have lived amongst us and even protected us from other wild animals. So, you might’ve heard about dogs who saved their owners from bears, lions, tigers and what not. But have you ever seen a dog befriend a tiger? Well, you are about to know… This is something I’ve never even imagined could happen! Watch the video below…

Did you see how they play? I was shocked to see how friendly and close they were. A fierce wild animal like tiger acting so friendly towards those dogs, and the dogs were also so dominating… it all seemed surreal! I guess, when you let them grow up together, something amazing like this is bound to happen. Dogs have the wonderful ability to adapt in any situation, so even if you throw in a tiger in the house… they’ll befriend the tiger and shock us all! And this video serves to prove that!

Did you like the video? Is it wise to let tigers play with dogs? What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

And please don’t forget to SHARE this amazing video with all your friends and family members!

Have a lovely day!


Video Source: YouTube channel of BigCatHaven

Dog Videos Dogs

Could This Be The Smallest And Cutest Pomeranian Puppy Of All Time?


If you’ve ever wondered how small and cute a micro Pomeranian puppy could be, this is your lucky day! Meet Mickey, the teeny tiny micro Pomeranian puppy… and perhaps the cutest puppy of all time! I can’t believe how adorable she looks when she is playing and snuggling with her mom… you’re bound to smile when you watch this little furball do what she does best… steal people’s hearts! Watch her in action in the video below…

Isn’t she just the cutest thing ever! I know all puppies are beautiful, but this cute little pup is mesmerizing! I’m sure it’ll take a long time for me to overcome the enchantment this cute little furball cast upon me. What about you?

Oh, you must’ve noticed, the pup’s owner who created the video, mentioned the weight of the pup several times. That’s because lots of people are scammed while buying micro or t-cup Pomeranian puppies, real t-cup pups are really small and rare… so this video can be good reference for you if you’re planning to buy a t-cup pom puppy in the future. Do your homework & be patient when looking for very tiny pom.

Let us know how you felt watching this cutie, leave a comment!

And don’t forget to SHARE this video with all your friends and family in Facebook!

Have a lovely day!


Video Source: YouTube

Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs

This Dog Is Afraid Of Julia Roberts… How Julia Confronts The Dog Is Hilarious!


Famed Hollywood actress Julia Roberts has won many hearts with her award winning performances in films like “Pretty Woman” and “Notting Hill”… but she failed to win the heart of Achmed the Husky Dog! In fact Achmed is so scared of her, he runs out of the room every time he sees Julia’s picture! When the owner of the poor husky found out that he had this strange irrational fear of Julia Roberts, he recorded the whole thing… Watch what happens when the poor husky sees a picture of Julia and how he reacts in the video below…

I find it strange why this dog was so afraid of the talented actress’s pretty face… but its hilarious nonetheless! But when Julia visits “The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon”, and was asked to confront the dog, and possibly say something nice to the dog on camera so that they could be friends… she does something EPIC! Watch what she does in the video below…

I couldn’t stop laughing for a long time after I saw what she did! I guess poor Achmed will be more afraid of Julia now that she had actually given him a reason to fear her! Does your dog get scared of someone without any apparent reason? Let us know in the comments!

And if you liked watching this video… don’t forget to SHARE it with your friends and family!

Have a wonderful day!


Video Source: YouTube

Dog Stories Dogs

Meet The Puppy Who Was Born With A Mustache!


We have seen so many awesome dogs with so many beautiful colors and patches of fur! But nothing comes close to this puppy who was born with a mustache! Baffi the Pit Bull has the most amazing patches we have ever seen… he has a perfectly shaped “Handlebar Mustache” right where it’s supposed to be! It was only fitting to name him Baffi which stands for mustache in Italian!  At first glance it might seem like the mustache was drawn in his white face, but in reality it isn’t! As he grew up his mustache also grew, and the way he looks now, he can be described perfectly with one word – CLASSY! Watch his amazing pictures below…#1 Baffi the young puppy with mustache!


#2 The ever growing mustache!


Continue To The Next Page To See How Baffi Looks NOW…

Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs

This Dog Fell Through The Ice and Was Freezing…What This Man Did To Save Him Was Just Amazing!


Dogs get themselves in all kinds of trouble, don’t they! But sometimes they can get stuck in life-threatening situations. That’s when we get to see some of the bravest and kindest people among us. This video is a live footage captured from a dog rescue mission… the poor dog was stuck in a frozen lake and would’ve died of hypothermia. But then help arrived… and how these brave men saved the poor dog is just the most amazing thing you’ll ever see. Watch the thrilling rescue video below…

When body temperature starts to fall alarmingly low, internal organs stop functioning… this phenomena known as Hypothermia can potentially kill the unfortunate animal. Thankfully the rescue team arrived on time and risked their own lives to save the helpless dog. The dog knew she was about to get help, and tried to remain still so that they can rescue her easily. She was then rushed to a local medical center and received immediate medical attention. We sure hope no other dog gets in such a mess again! But if they do, we will be there to help because they are our best friends!

Tell us what you think of this awesome video, leave a comment!

And don’t forget to SHARE this amazing rescue video with all your friends!


Source of the Video: YouTube

Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs

They Saw An Injured Pit Bull And Followed It Around For 2 Hours – What They Did And Found Was Heart-Breaking And Heart-Warming.


Non-profit organization for dogs “Hope For Paws” got an urgent call about an injured Pit Bull dog. The dog had been wandering alone for two hours until it collapsed in a dark alley. Efforts to rescue the injured Pit Bull was taken immediately. They found out she had been used as a bait dog and had injuries all over her body. Now named Cadence, this sweet dog got a second chance at life after getting rescued, and how she turned her life around is simply amazing. Watch her heartwarming story in the video below and witness the power of second chances…

Isn’t this story of Cadence simply amazing? She got a chance to start anew, and she was so happy for it. Her unfortunate past had been wiped away after she found a loving family where she was treated with care. Cadence was gentle with kids and loved other dogs. And we love her for she never gave up on life and made us witness the wonderful power of second chances!

If this video warmed your heart, let us know in the comments! And don’t forget to SHARE this amazing story with all your friends!

Have a wonderful day!


Video Source: YouTube channel of Eldad hagar

Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs

The Amazing Friendship Between This Dog And An Orangutan Is Just Beautiful!


Now we have seen it all! Suryia the Orangutan and Roscoe the stray hound dog are best of friends… and they are inseparable! This is a pair never before seen in the animal kingdom and even got animal behaviorists scratching their heads in confusion! This video shows you just how strong their bond is… watch the video below that blew our mind…

When brought up in the same house, dogs are known to make friendships with cats, birds and all sorts of other animals. But this unlikely pair didn’t bond while growing up. Roscoe the hound was just a stray dog who happened to come across Suryia’s enclosure and immediately they became friends as if they were long lost buddies! The caretakers found out only when they were taking a stroll with Suryia and the dog came up to meet the Orangutan in person, and since then they have never left each other! They play, cuddle, sleep and even share foods with each other!

This unique friendship was featured on numerous TV channels including National Geographic Channel.


This friendship just blew my mind! What about you? Let us know what you think in the comments!

And don’t forget to SHARE this awesome video with all your friends and family!

Have a great day!


Video Source: YouTube

Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs

Take A Look Inside The AMAZING Life Of Duncan – The Two Legged Puppy!


The amazing story of Duncan – The two legged dog will blow your mind! Born with severely deformed hind legs, this poor puppy was adopted by Amanda Giese, the founder of “Panda Paws Rescue”. She was given two choices, either euthanize Duncan to relieve him off his pains or amputate the deformed legs. Amanda chose to take the one chance at life for Duncan. But later on how the dog amazed everyone with only two legs is simply amazing! Watch the video below to see his full story…

Duncan didn’t want the wheelchairs to hold him back, so he learned to walk without one! Of course he had to learn everything the hard way, but he did… and he can do everything a normal four-legged dog does! “Life is 10 percent what happens to you, and 90 percent what you do with that,” Giese says in the video. This is indeed true as we see Duncan, the 9 month old puppy who didn’t let his handicap stop him from living a normal life!

What did you think of this amazing story? Let us know in the comments!

And don’t forget to SHARE this inspirational story with all your friends and family!

Have a wonderful day!


Video Source: YouTube channel of GoPro

Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs

This Pit Bull Saved His Owner From Attacker… How He Did It Surprised Everyone.


Pit Bull dogs are probably the most misunderstood dog breed of all time. They have been called many things, but unfortunately, caring and heroic aren’t often among them. Still, these are the only words we can use to describe this brave Pit Bull named Champ. When his owner Millie Fiser, 60, was leaving trash outside her home in Little Rock, Arkansas, she was attacked from behind by an unknown assailant who demanded money. Fiser called for help and only her dog Champ came to the rescue. What he did next is simply amazing! Watch this amazing story in the video below…

[embedplusvideo height=”283″ width=”450″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=bt3FUlW2qnw&width=450&height=283&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=&lean=1″ id=”ep8609″ /]

Champ the Pit Bull has been recently diagnosed with severe illness and yet the 12 year old dog didn’t stop from helping his owner from danger. The neighbors call him the “Gentle Giant” for his good behavior… in fact this is the first time Champ has shown aggression towards anybody in his whole life. Well, this proves again, Pit bulls can be really calm and mild-mannered animals if brought up right; but they will not hesitate to show their aggression if you need them to.

What did you think of this amazing story of this brave Pitbull? Let us know in the comments!

And don’t forget to SHARE this amazing story with all your friends in Facebook and Twitter!

Have a wonderful day!


Video Source: YouTube

Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs

Brave Pit Bull Dog Sacrificed Her Leg To Save Her Owners!


Dogs prove time and again that they are truly a man’s best friend. This video shows you the story of this brave Pit Bull dog from Accomack County, Virginia. When four intruders entered their home while the parents and children were asleep, the dog woke up to help her family… but when one of the intruders fired off the shotgun at the father… the brave dog jumped between him and the muzzle and took the bullet on her right shoulder! The bullet shattered her shoulder and ripped the soft tissue from her front leg. After the intruders escaped, the dog was immediately rushed to the local vet clinic… doctors had to amputate her right leg in order to save her. Scroll down to watch her full story on the video below…

When the animal hospital posted the story on their Facebook page and asked their friends to send donations, Within days, all of the dog’s medical expenses had been covered. Now she is healthy and doing fine. The scar will always remain on her body, but what she did for the family also made her the lifesaving hero who will forever remain in their hearts.

What the dog did to save her family is simply amazing, don’t you think? Let us know in the comments section!

And don’t forget to SHARE this amazing story of bravery with all your friends in Facebook!


Video Source: YouTube channel of GeoBeats News