Dog Stories Dogs

How To Make The “Coolest” Dog Bed Ever!


During the summer time, our beloved pet dogs get exhausted due to all that excessive heat. They have a normal body temperature of about 102 degrees, but unlike us they can’t sweat to regulate their body temperature. Breathing with their mouth open is the only way they can reduce their body temperature, but during the super-hot summer days it might not be enough. Thus, they are much more likely to get Hyperthermia… so they must be provided with enough cool water and have access to air-conditioned areas.

When a man noticed his 13-year old Labrador dog digging up his flower garden to get access to cold dirt during the hot summer days, he decided something needed to be done for the poor fellow. So, the man came up with an outstanding idea that’ll save his dog from the heat and also save his flower garden from the dog. He built a homemade air-conditioned dog bed out of computer fans, power supply, PVC pipes, and frozen water bottles! Scroll down below to learn how he made such a cool DIY air-conditioned dog bed…

*** First he made the frame out of wood, and cut three holes for the PVC air inlet.

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*** He attached fans to the frame and provided them with power using an old computer power supply.


*** Here’s the frame and fans put together.

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*** He finished off the cooling duct in a T-shape.


*** He tightly stretched fabric across the frame for the dog to lay on. It had to be stretched tight enough to support a 100 pound dog…that’s pretty tight!


*** He removed the covers from the T-fit air ducts and added frozen water bottles in the openings. The covers for the duct act as vents, drawing in air from outside. The water bottles cool the air.


*** His dog loves it. It cools the air by about 10 degrees.

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Isn’t this an awesome and quite literally the coolest dog bed ever? The owner must really love his dog to do this for her… what did you think of his idea? Would you have done it? Do you have other ideas to keep your dog cool in the summer? Let us know in the comments section!

And don’t forget to SHARE this cool dog-bed with everyone!

Have an awesome day!


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Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs

How This Dog Saved A 5 Year Old Boy From A Wild Bear!


We, the dog owners already know that our dogs not only accompany us at all times, but they also help us at the face of danger. They try to protect us and stand by us to make sure we are safe. This video is such a story of a dog’s bravery that saved the life of a 5 year old boy. What he did is simply amazing!

The 6 year old pet dog named “Mego” living with its family in the town of Odate in northern Japan, was taking a walk by the riverside with the 5 year old boy and his great grandfather. That’s when the wild bear ambushed and attacked the helpless boy. What the brave dog Mego did next to save the boy is incredible! Scroll down and watch the video below to see the full news…

Mego attacked and fought off the 1 meter tall wild bear to save the little boy. Thankfully, the boy was unharmed other than some minor scratches and bruises in his body. According to the dogs family, Mego has always been a calm and timid kind of dog, but at the face of serious danger he showed the brave side of his nature and saved the day.

What do you think of Mego’s bravery? Will your dog do the same thing if he saw you in this kind of trouble? Let us know in the comments section!

And don’t forget to SHARE this wonderful story of canine bravery with all your friends!

Have a blessed day!


Video Source: YouTube

Dog Videos Dogs

The Lies You’ve Been Told About Pit Bulls! – This Opened My Eyes…


Probably no other dog breed in the world is as much misunderstood as Pit Bulls. Most people’s first thought is illegal dog fighting, and popular misbelief about their aggression, Many people believe things about Pit Bulls which are not true. So, social news site Buzzfeed created this video to bust all the myths we know about Pitbulls and get our facts straight! Watch the video below…

If you believed Pit Bulls to be really aggressive and unpredictable, then think again! They can be really mild-mannered and trainable dogs… but your dogs behavior will be based on how you’ve brought him up. With the right owner and right way of training, Pit Bulls will never harm anyone. So, the next time you see a Pit Bull, think again before you label it as aggressive!

How was your experience around Pitbulls? Let us know what you think!

And lets enlighten everyone on this topic by SHARING this video with everyone in Facebook and Twitter!


Video Source: YouTube Channel of BuzzFeed

Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs

Stray Dog Saved Soldiers Life… How He Was Rewarded Put A BIG Smile On My Face!


This video is the story of how a stray dog saved the life of a soldier and was rewarded for his loyalty. Army Corporal Peter Pero was deployed in Iraq when he befriended a stray dog who he named Scar. Scar followed Peter everywhere… so when the soldier was out on patrol one day, Scar accompanied him. That’s when Peter was about to get ambushed until Scar warned him of the imminent danger and saved his life!

Peter’s wife Ana now takes care of Scar. He was a stray dog, living on the streets of Iraq… but because of his bravery and loyalty to his friend, he was given the best reward possible… now he is thousands of miles away in Indio, California; and in a place where he is safe and taken care of. The friend who changed his life will be returning soon and both Ana and Scar are waiting for the day when they can embrace their loved one.

What did you think of this amazing story? Let us know with your comments!

Also don’t forget to SHARE this wonderful story of friendship with all your friends and family in Facebook!

Have a good day!


Video Source: YouTube

Dog Videos Dogs

Meet Zeus… World’s Tallest Dog!


Some dogs can grow up to be gigantic! And of all dog breeds, Great Danes are recognized as the ones having the highest potential to grow tall… really really tall! So, it’s no surprise when a Great Dane wins the title of World’s Tallest Dog from the Guinness World Records!  Meet, Zeus – The Great Dane… The tallest dog ever measured! He measured 1.118 m (44 in) tall on 4 October 2011 and is owned by Denise Doorlag and her family, of Otsego, Michigan, USA. Despite his gigantic size, he is a really sweet and gentle dog! Watch him in the video below…

There is just one sad news here, Zeus passed away September 3rd, 2014 at 5 years of age, due to death by natural causes. But he still is the tallest dog on the Guinness World Records and seems to remain that way for the foreseeable future.

What is the tallest dog you’ve ever seen? Let us know in the comments section please!

Also SHARE this video of Zeus and let everyone know of the tallest dog that ever walked the face of the earth!


Video Source: YouTube Channel of Guinness World Records

Dog Stories Dogs

This Huge Rottweiler Got Pregnant By A Tiny Terrier Dog! You Will Not Believe What The Puppies Look Like!


Teresa Patterson from North Grimston, Yorkshire, UK, was surprised to see Zara, her 4-year old Rottweiler dog pregnant. But, the real shock came when the babies arrived! She realized the father of the baby was none other than her other pet dog, The West Highland Terrier named Joey!

It is unbelievable how Joey, being only one-third the size of the Rottweiler Zara and being from a completely different dog breed, got her pregnant. (Photos of the pups are on the next page.)

Mrs. Patterson says,

“I was completely shocked, I didn’t think nature would let this happen but at some point it did. The puppies have a lovely temperament like their parents. They are high maintenance as they want attention all the time. One of the puppies, Sparkie, which our son is having, follows me everywhere I go. But this won’t happen again – Joey will be going to the vets soon.”

See what these puppies look like on the next page.

Dog Videos Dogs What's Trending

This Courageous Pit Bull Dog Saved A Woman From Her Husband In A Fight!


Pit Bull Dogs have a perception in the general public of being vicious, mean and down right scary.  However many people don’t realize that what the public think s and what is reality just don’t match.  In this video a  Pit Bull in Ottawa County named Blitz saved a women from her estranged husband.  Blitz is a 2-year old 100+ pound Pit Bull and is the kind that most people fear, but his family he is very good with the kids and is very loyal to the family and is very keen on what is going on in his surroundings. This love for people and his keen sense is what helped him save a women’s life recently.  The family of Blitz heard a commotion in the street and they saw a man beating up on a women and dragging her to his car.  They opened the door to get a better look and that is when Bliz sprung into action and raced out the door.  Watch the video to find out what Bliz did next!

Pit bulls get a bad rap but in reality, there is story after story of them saving lives.  What do you think about Pit Bulls?  Do you have any stories you can share with us?  If so comment below.  We would love to hear your feedback.

Please SHARE this video with your friends and family…especially if you love dogs!

Dog Stories Dogs

A Girl Screamed For Help When A Man Tried To Attack Her, What These Stray Dogs Did Will Amaze You!


This story serves to prove once again that dogs truly are a man’s best friend. They act as our guardian angels at times… and nobody knows it better than this 12 year old Argentine girl who was saved by five stray dogs after a man attempted to rape her. How the dogs did it is simply amazing!

The incident was reported by the Martin Grande’s 89.9 FM Radio station in Argentina. The 12-year-old girl was walking alone and on her way to her Aunt’s house, when the attacker grabbed her from behind, covered her mouth and dragged her to a nearby secluded location.

When he tried to rape her, the girl screamed for help which drew the attention of the nearby stray dogs. Amazingly, the dogs ran to the spot to help the poor girl. They immediately began to bite the perpetrator in an attempt to save the girl and the young girl was able to break free during the distraction and run to a neighbor’s home. The neighbor called the police who came and reunited the girl with her parents. Police were unable to locate the attacker and it is unknown at this time as to what happened to the dogs. But one thing’s for sure, these dogs will forever remain as heroes in that girl’s heart.

What did you think of this amazing story? Please let us know in the comments section!

And let’s SHARE the news with your friends and family so that they will know about these brave and life-saving guardian angels of our lives!


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Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs

Meet The Hero Who Brought The Soldiers The Dogs They Left In Afghanistan…


Penn Farthing, a former Royal Marine Sergeant, is the man behind the non-profit group called “Nawzad Dogs”. What they do is simply amazing. While deployed in Afghanistan, many soldiers befriend street dogs… These dogs give them company, and a friend to care for in a hostile war-torn environment. But when they return home they have to leave their precious friends back.  Penn Farthing with his group “Nawzad Dogs” help the soldiers reunite with their lost dogs. And for the outstanding work he has done, he has been recognized with the CNN Hero of the Year award. Scroll down to watch the amazing video to see how he helped the soldiers meet their lost canine buddies…

This man is doing an outstanding work! All the dog owners know how much love we can have for our pets, and getting the chance to bring them back home to yourself from thousands of miles away is truly a great gift. What do you think? Let us know in the comments section!

And SHARE this wonderful story with all your friends in Facebook!

Have a great day!


News Source: YouTube Channel of CNN

Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs

Fallen Soldier’s Family Finds His Puppy In Iraq – Then Something AMAZING happened!


This dog belonged to fallen army specialist Justin Rollins who was killed serving his country in Iraq.  ABC news ran a story about Justin in which they showed a photo of him holding a little pup the night before he was killed.  This inspired his parents to ask the army to help them find the dog and bring it home to them.  As fate would have it, the army was able to find the dog and bring it to Justin’s family in New Hampshire.  Now they have the dog that brought Justin so much happiness.

ABC news sent a camera crew over to interview the family and take some video of the dog and what happened next was simply amazing… whether you believe what they feel happened in the video it or not it brought so much comfort to his family. Check out video on the next page to see for yourself.