If you don’t know it already, Doberman dogs are among the most intelligent, and loyal pet breeds. By nature, they are very curious of everything around them including other animals around them. In this video you’ll see the adorable dog named Sugar Tree become so curious when he meets two baby ostriches. His reaction left me smiling for a long time. Watch what the cute canine does in the video below…
I am happy to see how sweet and well-mannered the dog is. He’s meeting two new and strange creatures for the first time and instead of showing hostility towards the two ostriches, he is sniffing them and looking at them very carefully. You just can’t resist laughing watching this scene. This is how the animals explore and connect with each other. The birds were also very comfortable with Sugar Tree, as they were loosely walking on the carpet accepting the existence of the canine.
So, what is your opinion regarding the dog and ostriches after watching this amazing video? Do they make great friends? Please let us know in the comments!
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Have a nice day!
Video Source: YouTube channel of CamelsAndFriends