Penn Farthing, a former Royal Marine Sergeant, is the man behind the non-profit group called “Nawzad Dogs”. What they do is simply amazing. While deployed in Afghanistan, many soldiers befriend street dogs… These dogs give them company, and a friend to care for in a hostile war-torn environment. But when they return home they have to leave their precious friends back. Penn Farthing with his group “Nawzad Dogs” help the soldiers reunite with their lost dogs. And for the outstanding work he has done, he has been recognized with the CNN Hero of the Year award. Scroll down to watch the amazing video to see how he helped the soldiers meet their lost canine buddies…
This man is doing an outstanding work! All the dog owners know how much love we can have for our pets, and getting the chance to bring them back home to yourself from thousands of miles away is truly a great gift. What do you think? Let us know in the comments section!
And SHARE this wonderful story with all your friends in Facebook!
Have a great day!
News Source: YouTube Channel of CNN
7 replies on “Meet The Hero Who Brought The Soldiers The Dogs They Left In Afghanistan…”
something wonderful even in the midst of something so dark