Dogs can be really friendly! They make your other dogs their friends, your neighbors dogs their friends and even make friendships with cats! But this Jack Russell Terrier goes above and beyond any regular friendships and befriends an Australian Magpie bird! You will not believe your eyes when you see this video… simply amazing!
Whiskey the dog and Sqwark the magpie are best of friends! It really is an amazing friendship, isn’t it? I have never seen anything like it! It’s uncanny how these two play! Seems the Magpie was born a dog in his previous life, LoL!
Tell us if you know of such unusual friendships between dogs and other creatures. Leave a comment!
Also don’t forget to SHARE this video if you absolutely loved it!
Video Source: YouTube
4 replies on “You Won’t Believe It Until You See it! The Amazing Friendship Between A Jack Russell Terrier Dog And A Magpie!”
That is the sweetest thing… Unbelievable and charming at the same time.