Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs What's Trending

This Stray Dog Followed A Man for 430 Miles And Then Something Amazing Happened!

Meet Arthur, The Stray Dog who has been the focus of worldwide news in the last few weeks and won millions of hearts with his wonderful display of loyalty. The video on the next page tells you the story of how he managed to follow a man through 430 miles of wilderness in the Amazon rain forest!

A Swedish Extreme Sports Team participated on The Adventure Racing World Championship in Ecuador where the team captain Mikael Lindnord fed this stray dog some meatballs as an act of kindness. But who knew the dog would immediately accept Mikael as his master and start following him everywhere! Through high mountains, long strenuous jungle hikes, through piles of knee-high mud and even through a wild river, the stray dog, now named Arthur, never left his side. The video on the next page tells Arthur’s amazing…

Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs

This Dog Has Been Waiting 2 Years In The Hospital For Her Owner To Get Out…

Masha the Brown Dachshund dog has been waiting in the same hospital in Siberia since her owner died there about two years back. In this video below you will find her still waiting for her owner to come back, and doesn’t want to leave the hospital! Many locals have tried to take her home, but all in vain, because she keeps coming back! This video almost brought tears in my eyes…

I just can’t fathom the overwhelming love this little dog has for her late master. When her master was admitted on a ward in the Novosibirsk District Hospital, Masha was his only visitor. Now that he’s gone, loyal and heart-broken Masha refuses to leave.

Two years, two long years she has been waiting, in the same place, hoping that he’d come back. Masha’s wish is not going to come true of course, but we sure hope she finds another loving and caring owner to look after her.

Click to next page to learn more about Masha.

Dog Videos

Cute Little Rottweiler Puppies Playing With Thanksgiving Décor

Thanksgiving is over, but for these little Rottweiler puppies it’s never too late to have fun! Watch them play and wrestle over thanksgiving decoration in this cute video, it’s just soo adorable!  I think I just fell in love with these two cuties… So is the YouTube user Patti Ready, she said, “I told everyone I would never fall in love….. I was wrong! they are soo cute!” Indeed, they are!

Another YouTube User Mariah4ever says, “I want to have these puppies! Who can resist those cute faces!” Well, I’m sure I can’t!

Show your love for these puppies and SHARE this video with your family and friends!

And let us know in the comments section if you know more of these videos, we’d love to watch more of them!

Have an Awesome day!


Dog Stories Dog Videos

Soldier Reunites With Her Dog On Live TV – I Wasn’t Expecting This Reaction At First!

We all love our dogs, and they love us back ten fold! This video on the next page is the proof of the undying unconditional love that dogs have for their owners. Soldier Jempson back from her duty meets her Rhodesian Ridgeback dog Emma after a full year in the “Queen Latifah Show” and what transpired next is truly AMAZING!

The video made me laugh and cry at the same time and at first you can tell Emma the dog doesn’t quite know what is going on but it doesn’t take long for the surprise!

At first when Emma was brought into the room she was perhaps overwhelmed with all the people and lights and everything, she was like, “Oh hey stranger, hi!” But then when she remembered her owners smell she went crazy with sheer happiness! And that’s when tears rolled down my eyes along with all the audience present in the show.

Click to next page to see the video.

Dog Videos What's Trending

Watch This Little Chihuahua Play…Like a BOSS!

Chihuahuas are amazing, aren’t they! Smallest dog breed ever with cuteness dripping off every part of their body! This video below shows you just how CUTE and AWESOME a baby Chihuahua can be! Watching them play just made my day!

Aren’t they amazing and cute as hell? Yet, they come with a rather dominant attitude! Even the little pups act as if they were the Alpha Males of the house and can give the big dogs a run for their money! 45 seconds into the video you see the 9 week old Chihuahua driving the other big dog away… Like a BOSS!

This cute video of these adorable little Chihuahuas can convince anyone to adopt one! Maybe I myself will get my other dogs a new Chihuahua companion! Do you think that would be a good idea?

Please post your comments about your experience with Chihuahuas.

And if this adorable little puppy made you smile then don’t forget to Share the video with everyone!


Source Video: Youtube User – Bridget Williams


Dog Videos What's Trending

If Dogs Could Talk They Would Say This…

Dogs can talk! No, they can’t! Yes, dogs can talk! No way, they can’t! Okay… so if I show you this video where this dog talks to his owner, will you believe me? Okay, fair deal! Watch the Video below… and prepare yourself to be amazed!

So, NO… dogs actually can’t talk LoL! It’s just a voiceover added by the creator of this video! But a pretty clever and well-made video indeed! Seriously, for a second I thought the dog was actually talking! I thought the psychological torture of knowing foods being eaten without sharing with him was strong enough to evoke human words from this poor dog! So foolish of me 😛 …

What does your Dog do when you eat? Or talk about food? Do you tease your dogs like that?

Let us know in the comments section! And also don’t forget to SHARE the video and make your friends and family laugh!

Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs

Brave Dog Saves His Owner From Burning House – Just Amazing How He Did It!

The video below tells the amazing story of a German Shepherd dog rescuing his owner from imminent danger with his bravery and intelligence. In early 2010, Ben Heinrich was working in his workshop next to his home when he accidentally triggered a gas leak that set the workshop along with his house on fire. He called 911 but he knew that time was of the essence… so he told his German Shepherd dog named Buddy to get help and the dog rushed off.

Miraculously, Buddy found the Dispatched Officer Terrence Shanigan who couldn’t find the location of the burning house as his GPS froze, and led the Alaskan State Trooper through the winding and remote back roads to the fire at his owner’s workshop, saving him with a wonderful display of heroism. This video footage below was recorded from the Officer’s patrol car dashboard camera, which shows exactly how the German Shepherd managed to help… what you’ll see will amaze you.

Click to the next page to see what he did!

Dog Videos

Watch This Huge Dog Turn Into A Puppy When Reunited With Owner! So Adorable!

This big dog literally turns into a puppy at the sight of his dad! He just couldn’t contain his joy when he met his dad after such a long time! Warning! This video is sooo sweet… it might just actually melt your heart!

I was grinning from ear to ear while I was watching this video! It’s just sooo sweet, and adorable, and awesome, and heart-warming, and everything good that there is in this world! Watching that big dog turn into a little puppy instantaneously just made my day!

Does your dog act the same way when it meets you after a long gap?

I bet it does! After all, Dogs are Mans best friends, and that’s why We Love Dogs!

Let us know if this cute video made you smile! Leave a comment!

And SHARE this video with your buddies and make them smile too! Why should they be left out, huh?

Have an Awesome day!

Video Source: Youtube

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Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs What's Trending

Dog VS Grizzly Bear… This Is Pretty Amazing!

Dogs battling Grizzly bears is something we don’t hear in the news everyday… And it’s even more rare for such a sight to be captured in video… Yes… it is true! We got the video to prove it! Dogs VS Grizzly Bears! These brave dogs stood up to these bears 10 times their size and weight, just to protect their owners! And you won’t believe what happened next…

Henry the Schnauzer, Baby the Labrador Retriever and Crash the Spaniel, these three make one hell of a great team I must say! Their bravery and team work is nothing short of amazing! I mean, who would’ve known something like this could ever happen! For God’s sake, those were Grizzly Bears! 500 lb GRIZZLY BEARS!

And wait till you hear what Wikipedia says about the size of Grizzly Bears…

“Most adult female grizzlies weigh 130–200 kg (290–440 lb), while adult males weigh on average 180–360 kg (400–790 lb)! Average total length in this subspecies is 198 cm (6.50 ft), with an average shoulder height of 102 cm (3.35 ft)”

And guess what! The combined weight of these three brave dogs don’t even add upto a 150 lbs! Also overlooking the fact that Grizzlies are fierce predators, as if the stacks weren’t already stacked up high enough against our team of brave dogs. But they did manage to chase those bears away! Not just once, but multiple times!

Wow… that truly was something I never seen before… a sight to behold!

Leave your comments below… let us know if this video blew your mind! It sure did mine!

And Don’t forget to SHARE this amazing video with your friends and family!


Source — Youtube Channel of Discovery TV


Dog Stories Dog Videos Dogs

Is The Tiger Eating The Dog? Or Is The Dog Eating The Tiger?

Bengal Tigers – Fierce predators… Jack Russell Terrier – Just the cutest dogs ever! Now, what will happen if these two encounter each other? Will the Tiger eat the dog? Kill it? Can the dog be able to protect itself from a giant 200 pound Bengal tiger? Or will it make the tiger its play buddy? Watch the video below to find out, This will BLOW your mind!

The Fernandez family adopted Panjo – The Bengal Tiger when he was just a tiger cub! Without an actual tiger mother to look after him, they were a bit worried! Until their family Jack Russell Terrier dog took over the parenting duties! Now, This tiger and the Dog, they are simply the best of friends!

Did you watch them playing and fooling around, having a good time? Wow… this really amazes me how powerful a bond these creatures can share with each other! Its just MAGICAL!

Do you know of such amazing stories of friendships between dogs and other animals? Please do tell us! And don’t forget to SHARE this with your family and friends and amaze them!


Video Source: Youtube Channel — BarCroft TV