Dogs are known to make some of the most unusual friendships with other species… but with a Cheetah? Wow… this is something we’re seeing for the first time! The cheetah and the dog made an exceptional friendship and this video was shot at the 1st anniversary of their friendship after they first met at Busch Gardens Tampa theme park. This video shows their journey of friendship… watch it below…
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Ahh what a beautiful relation it is. These two beauties are attraction of the visitors indeed. The world is a strange place. We see many things happening which are thought as impossible. The cheetah was 8 weeks old and the dog was 16 weeks old when they first met. Gradually they grew a closer bond of friendship. The caretakers were careful when they were together. But there was nothing to worry about. They are fond of each other. They have similar taste of activities in many cases! So now we can understand why they both like each other! I loved watching them soo much. Their first anniversary of their friendship was celebrated in Busch Gardens Tampa theme park. May this friendship last life long. Ohh they are somehow popular as they visit many schools and television programs. May be next time you can see them visiting you too!
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Have a lovely day!
Video Source: YouTube Channel of Attractions Magazine