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The Reason This Boy Was Standing On His Dog Has Upset Many…But Wait Till You Find Out Why…


The new year of one-time vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin started on a rather controversial note. She posted a photo of her 6 year old son Trig standing on the family dog Jill. The Facebook post was intended to wish everyone a happy new year, but instead got intense criticism from many people who identified the act as animal abuse.  On the NEXT PAGE you can see photos along with the comment that Palin posted that alarmed many.

267 replies on “The Reason This Boy Was Standing On His Dog Has Upset Many…But Wait Till You Find Out Why…”

This is Trigg ‘ s service dog. He is not being hurt in any way .Kids have rode around on dogs forever. As anyone can see the dog is totally fine with Trigg using him to help him reach something.

the dog was not trained to be a stool Palin posted several pics of this the first one the dog is turned backwards looking at the kids foot Like what are you doing the next few he looks like he is bouncing around while reaching for what ever Mom should not have taken so many pics of the kid on the dog just because the dog was trained not to bite the kid does not mean he would have liked to

If the dog was in distress or didn’t want him on him he would move dogs aren’t fragile infants and most dogs where breed to hunt and kill thing much bigger then them people stop being such tight asses

Do you think it was ok because it was Palin ? Maybe this would have not happened if she had done her job as a mother if she had helped him when he gave the up sign which he was tough to do .Maybe you need to grow up

Patricia, obviously you did not read the article, Trigg is her GRAND-son, whom has down syndrome. The dog clearly looks fine. I use to ride my chocolate lab when I was little all the time, he still lived a happy life until he was 17, never had back problems, and loved it. What is the difference?

Actually Trig is her son but as stated, the dog is a SERVICE dog FOR the boy. The dog obviously is not being “abused” and yes, the only reason people are going ape shit over it is because Sarah Palin posted it. Had it been anyone else, they’d not have said two words. Because Ellen Degeneres posted a very similar image awhile back and people didn’t say boo. Talk about hypocrites. A tiny child who can’t weigh more than maybe 50 some pounds standing on a large pup who is a trained service dog is not gonna hurt the dog. People need to learn their shit before losing it.

I do not care who owns that dog and who’s the parent of this child. Dogs are not for sitting on, STEP on or walk on them….. this can cause a dog to have permanent back problems and will cause a dog to snap at or bite a child. This is what is referred to as a provoked bite, but regardless, usually, the dog is the one who loses and winds up being taken to a shelter. Teach children to respect animals, not climb on them!

I don’t give a rats ass that Sara owns the dog teaching a child with special needs and limited understanding it’s ok to step on the dog when he is 200 pounds he will think it’s ok to continue a learned practice I’m a grandma speaking from experience my special grandson is 21 and he still does things he did when he was seven

You are not a Vet-it’s not fine. Palin is the low mentality type who tried to use the “somebody else did it” defense and screwed that up. It was a picture E.D. posted, she was not the ignorant mother doing it. Palin is so low as to use her idiocy as an occasion to bare her fangs at other people. You are right, it is because it is Palin, the hideous barracuda.

Grow up people I’m a dog lover and have dogs!!! This is a special need child and this dog is for him!! If the dog didn’t want him to stand on him he would of moved!! The dog looks perfectly fine to me!!! Find something else to complain about!! SMH

It’s perfectly fine.. dogs are smart and they will move if they are being hurt! I stepped on, climbed all over my animals when I was that kid’s age and all of them died of old age happily! I have respect for all the animals.. my dog knows to move if something isn’t okay and all the kids respect the animals. The dog was fine, lighten up people

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