We all love our dogs; they start to become an integral part of our lives as soon as we adopt them. But sometimes, fate forces us to leave their side for many years… but the question is, do they remember us even if we are missing from their lives for many years? This video will answer that question for you!
Before watching this video, Some people might ask, why did the owner leave her dog for so long? Well, Bree Alison made some mistakes and had to go to prison, leaving her beloved dog Joplin to her parents. Good people can and do make bad decisions, and Bree had to suffer for that for 3 and a half years. When she got back, finally she had the chance to reunite with her dog Joplin… and the way Joplin greeted her brought me to tears. Scroll down to watch the full video…
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It’s simply amazing how much our dogs can love us. I sometimes can’t fathom the depth of their love for us. Joplin not only remembers his owner but he is so excited to see her once again! After watching this video, I know it for a fact that if I ever have to leave my dogs for many days, they will also remember me and greet me the same way Joplin greeted Bree.
Does your dog get this much excited seeing you after a long time? Let us know in the comments section please!
And don’t forget to SHARE the video with everyone in Facebook and Twitter!
Video Source: YouTube